Blog Posts from Shortcode (image left)
Aval científico GEIRAS de proyectos y estudios
Queremos presentaros el "Aval científico GEIRAS de proyectos y estudios", cuyos detalles encontraréis en el documento disponible para su descarga al pie de esta noticia.
Blog image left:
Create blog post lists using the [blog]
[blog template="blog-image-left" cat="4,6"]
The [blog] shortcode will accept any parameters which can be used in the wp_query object. For strings and integer values simply add them like normal shortcode parameters, for example: [blog cat="4"]. When using array values be sure to have separate them with commas, for example: [blog category__not_in=»3,6,9″].
Blog Posts from Shortcode (image top)
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Blog image top:
Create blog post lists using the [blog]
[blog cat="-12"]
The [blog] shortcode will accept any parameters which can be used in the wp_query object. For strings and integer values simply add them like normal shortcode parameters, for example: [blog cat="4"]. When using array values be sure to separate them with commas, for example: [blog category__not_in=»3,6,9″].